Friday, June 7, 2013

demam exam

Assalamualaikum wbt..

apa khabat bloggers sekalian? eewah mcm banyak pula bloggers y datang sini.. update pun jarang2 dah sekarang. :) maaf yea.. busy sikit bila masuk U ni..

now i'm 21 year old n will be sitting for final exm this 11,12,14 n 19 of june. wow wow wow... very nervous! but inshaa Allah ill do my best!!

currently berada di rumah sempena stdy week.. ada kekangan belajar waktu stdy week xselesa tempat study.huu. rumah terlwbih selesa plak. ops. hhehe. ok lah ya. nnt jmpa lagi i shaa Allah.. (berleter banyak sangat)~~

Monday, May 6, 2013

CPT 211: Tutorial Questions for Week 11 – Discussion
1.       Similarities and differences between HTML and XML.
Xml is a dynamic language – we can do it using animation.
Html is static language – only display image, text.
Xml is good for transmission of data – compatible between differences sw/hw
Easy to aggregate(safe for environmentally changing)
Similarities: use in website design.

2.       Your opinion on the future of XML. Justify your answer.
Xml is going to transfer to programming language – can be used not for web design, but also application.
 Eg : c++, JavaScript.

Tutorial Assignment for Week 11
The academic standing of university student should include the followings:
a. Student name
b. Student id #
c. Semester
d. Current course listing includes the followings:
                - different course types listing: core, elective & university
                - grade obtained from each course for the semester
e. Current semester GPA and cumulative GPA
f. Academic status: A, P1, P2, FO
1. Develop XML that describes the academic standing of university student by semester. [i.e. student.xml]
2. Develop XML Document Type Definition (DTD) for task 1. [i.e. student. dtd]
3. Develop XML Schema Document (XSD) for task 1. [i.e. student.xsd]